formation – Yestoday

Venez vous initier à la sérigraphie avec Yestoday. Découvrez nos aventures créatives et ludiques.

Would you like to learn how to screen print? les créateurs de la jeune marque de mode durable YESTODAY, ont imaginé une formation originale pour exprimer toute votre énergie créative.

This course is open to everyone aged 14 and over and takes place in the workshop La Superette in Montreuil, where Yestoday designs and screen-print all the brand's garments.

Workshop sequence 

Before giving free rein to your artistic soul, as with all craft activities, there are a few basics you need to know. We start with a quick introduction to the technique and materials you'll be using.

Yestoday has 2 carousels and several individual screen-printing stations.

It's up to you to become the Andy Warhol of tomorrow..

The cost of the course is €95 for one person, or €160 for two people.

Durant 3 heures 30, vous allez pouvoir créer votre propre image sur textile.

The raw material

You can bring along one of your favorite garments to give it a new lease of life. Or we can provide you with a virgin organic cotton T-shirt, light or dark, on which you can work. It's a good idea to bring a few scraps of old cotton fabric to use as a rough draft. You don't become a screen-printing master on your first stroke. No synthetics, they're plastic and not allowed in screen printing. Look at the labels on clothes.


If you'd like to create your own design, or if you'd prefer to use some of the visuals provided, both solutions are possible within the framework of this initiation. If you opt for your own design, you'll need to talk to the instructors beforehand to ensure that the image is compatible with screen printing.

For the others, a basket of images adapted to the technique will be proposed.

Once the visuals have been chosen, they are transposed into typefaces on suitable paper.

Make your own frame

Vous allez pouvoir insoler un cadre tendu d’une toile préalablement enduite d’une émulsion photosensible, à l’aide d ‘un typon et d’une source de lumière noire. Direction la chambre d’insolation de la supérette pour découvrir cette étape originale.

After a few minutes' exposure, degrease the screen with a pressure washer to reveal the areas which, with the help of the typon, were not exposed to ultraviolet light. The screen is then dried and retouched with a brush in certain areas, if necessary. Screen printing is a very precise technique.


Everyone heads to their workstations to determine the colors and prepare the inks according to the desired result on the textile. Before scraping, we do a bit of chemistry and arithmetic. At this point, we work with a small pharmacist's scale.

You set the frame and the first draft on which you will work.

You choose the doctor blades you want to print with.

